BIC pens
When you say pen, you think of BIC. Ever since the BIC pen was introduced to the market in 1950, it has been an integral part of our lives. You cannot imagine an office without BIC pens lying around everywhere. In fact, they are so popular that BIC sold its 100 billionth(!) pen in 2006. If you want to get a pen from this great brand printed with your logo or company name to give away as a business gift, you have come to the right place. Loopper has more than 23 years of experience with personalised BIC pens and can therefore provide each model with a wide range of print options. Not only do we have the traditional models available, but also various new models. If you want to know which ones, scroll down and take a look. If you need more information, call one of our experts at 020 4576 5960 or send us an email at!
Custom BIC pens
The history of BIC pens can be traced back to the early 1950s when Marcel Bich, a French entrepreneur, started selling affordable ballpoint pens. The company's first pen, the Cristal, was an instant success and quickly became one of the bestselling pens in the world. Today, BIC produces a wide range of products including lighters, shavers, and stationery items, but its pens remain its most popular products. There are many benefits of customising BIC pens for your business. It is a cost-effective way to promote your brand and increase awareness of your company. Custom BIC pens can also be given away as promotional gifts or used as prizes in competitions. BIC pens are high quality and long lasting, so they will continue to promote your business for years to come.
Branded BIC pens
BIC pens are a great way to promote your company. Loopper offers a variety of pens to choose from, all of which can be branded with your company logo or name. Branded BIC pens are a great marketing tool because they are affordable and easy to use. They also have a wide appeal and can be used by people of all ages. Our BIC pens are available in a range of different styles and colours, from standard ballpoint to stylus! With Loopper, it is easy to always find the perfect pen for your needs. Whether you're looking for a simple ballpoint pen or something more stylish, BIC pens branded with your logo are a great way to promote your business. Order your branded pens from Loopper today and start promoting your company in a simple and affordable way!
Printed BIC pens
If you want to order printed BIC pens, you don't have to look any further. You can simply order them at Loopper. BIC, with all of their experience in the world of pens, has a very diverse range of pens that can all be printed upon. We have made an overview of the most popular pens at the moment. This way, you can easily see for yourself which pen best suits your target group. If you still have questions about this, it is best to give us a call. You can always get us on the phone from Monday to Friday, between 9 and 5.
BIC pens with logo
For years, BIC has been one of the largest and best-known brands when it comes to pens, and not without reason. BIC pens guarantee miles of writing pleasure without compromising on quality. By printing BIC pens with logo or company name, you can be sure that your company will be more visible in public places for years to come. You can easily browse our range online and order them. To make sure that your order will look exactly as you have in mind, we always send you a digital print sample before we start production. Only after you have confirmed this, will we send your order on to our printing facilities. This way, you will never be surprised of the outcome.
Wholesale BIC pens
There are a few things to consider when printing on wholesale BIC pens, such as the type of pen, the number of colours, and the design. Here is a quick guide to help you get started.
The first thing you need to decide is what type of pen you want to use. Loopper offers a variety of pens, from ballpoint to gel ink. Each type of pen has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to choose the right one for your needs. Next, you need to decide how many colours you want to use in your design. Using more colours can also help make your design more eye-catching, but usually results in higher costs. Wholesale BIC pens in bulk are a great way to promote your business or event. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your project is successful. Do you need help selecting a pen because you are unsure if it will be appropriate for you project? That is not a problem at Loopper. Give us a call and we will consult you free of charge!
Promotional BIC pens
Our promotional BIC pens can be ordered in bulk and customised with your company logo or branding. Once you have approved your free digital mock-up, we will begin production, and have them delivered to your doorstep. Once approved, the entire process takes usually no more than two weeks, depending on the quantity ordered and the availability of stock. So, what are you waiting for? Order your BIC pens for promotional use today! If you have any questions, you can reach us Monday through Friday during office hours.